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Sermon Discussion Questions



Sunday, April 7, 2024

Always Yes

John 14:25-27

Yes to the Promise of Peace



Main Idea:

The Holy Spirit is God's yes and amen to the promise of peace

Sermon Outline:

1. Jesus' peace is the Spirit of Truth (25-26)
2. Jesus' peace comes from heart-change (27)
3. Jesus' peace casts out fear (27)



1. What does the word "peace" mean to you?
2. In the sermon Jon asked "How does the world give peace?" What are ways the world promises us peace? How good is it at making good on those promises?



1. What are some ways we shouldn't think about the Holy Spirit?
2. Read Ezekiel 36:26–28. How does this passage help us understand what the Holy Spirit can do?
3. Read Isaiah 32:15–18. Isaiah ties the Holy Spirit to peace. How does this bring comfort to us?
4. Where have you fallen short of relying on the Holy Spirit for your peace?

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