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Image by Chris Nguyen

Jon Delger

Jon Delger

Jon is the host of That's a Good Question, a podcast on the Resound Podcast network.
Jon and his wife Stephanie (co-host of the Mom Guilt podcast) live in Hastings, Michigan, and have four children.

Most Recent Content from

Jon Delger

The Lie of "Christians Shouldn't Speak Into Politics"
The Lie of "Christians Shouldn't Speak Into Politics"
Jesus: Lion, Lamb, and Temple
Jesus: Lion, Lamb, and Temple
Who Is The Greatest?
Who Is The Greatest?
What is the Gospel?

To believe that Jesus is savior is to believe that you cannot save yourself, to confess your sin before God, to have a heart that is repentant, and to trust in Jesus alone to save you. Jesus came preaching repentance (Mark 1:15).

Beyond the Heart

Maybe you’ve been asked the question before - “have you made a profession of faith?” Maybe you are part of a church where occasionally people stand up front and “profess their faith.” What does it mean to make a profession of...

How To Create A Church Budget

What kind of counseling should you expect from your pastor?

You’re looking for counseling. You want a Christian perspective. Who better to ask than your pastor? However, you know that your pastor...

When Forgiveness Is Out of Reach

Why Do We Baptize Babies?

What is Baptism? In order to understand why we would baptize babies, we first need to understand baptism itself. In order to understand baptism, we first need to understand a major theme of the Bible — covenant...

What is Covenant Theology?

Covenant Theology is a way of understanding the complete story of the Bible from beginning to end, including how the old and new testaments fit together.

Four Steps to Manageable Sermon-Writing

It’s Monday morning. You have to preach on Sunday morning. How do you get from here to there without waiting for that lightning-strike...

Why Church Membership

How To Conduct Staff Reviews

Is There a Line?

Disagreement on core beliefs? Dealbreaker. Secondary issues? Tricky. Tertiary? Let's chat. Church hiring: a tightrope walk between unity and diversity.

What is Justification?

As you are studying the Bible, you will eventually come across some big words that you don’t use in everyday conversation. Justification...

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