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Abortion, Freedom, and Life

Abortion, Freedom, and Life

What the Bible, Science, and True Freedom Reveal About the Sanctity of Life


Jon Delger

Multiplication Pastor

Peace Church

Published On:

October 16, 2024

According to research, Christians are not united on the issue of abortion. 

According to one study, only 63% of American Evangelicals believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases [1]. According to another study, only 64% of American Evangelicals consider themselves pro-life, with 21% feeling unsure about the issue, and 15% identifying as pro-choice [2]. 

We hear many arguments being made and questions being asked surrounding this issue. Whose right takes priority, a pregnant mother or an unborn child? Shouldn’t every woman have a right to choose what happens to her body? Are pro-life supporters actually just hypocrites who only care about unborn lives and not the lives of women or children after birth? 

We also experience strong emotions when considering this topic. I can only imagine the fear, pain, and traumatic circumstances some women experience surrounding their pregnancy. I can only imagine the emotions of someone who has had an abortion as they now consider the moral implications. 

The intent of this article is not to bring condemnation, but to bring clarity. As Christians, we must always look first to the Bible. What does God say about this issue? 

As Christians, we also believe the cross of Jesus Christ can cover every sin for those who repent and believe in the Savior (Romans 8:1). 

What does the Bible say?

There are several passages that speak to this topic. 

Genesis 1:26-31 tells us that human beings are made in God’s image and are therefore special and unique from the rest of creation. In Genesis 9:6, God emphasizes the value of human life and the gravity of taking a life. In Exodus 21:22-25, laws and consequences are given for harming “children” or “life” in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:5 tell us that God knows us, forms us, and has plans for us while we are yet in the womb. 

What does Science tell us?

Scientific research and developments continue to give us more insight about life in the womb. 

At the point of fertilization, when an egg and sperm meet, a completely new set of DNA is formed. This DNA is unique from both the father and mother, and also contains all the information needed to form this new human being. Scientists have referred to this as the beginning of human life [3]. Also at the point of fertilization, scientific research has discovered an emission of zinc fireworks, refered to by some as the spark of life that occurs when two cells join to create a new life form [4]. 

Within 24 hours after fertilization (conception), this new single cell will rapidly grow into many cells. By week 6, a heartbeat is detectable by ultrasound. By week 8, all major organs are developing, as well as hands, feet, eyes, and ears [5]. 

Traditionally, the earliest age of viability for a child has been considered 24 weeks. However, technology continues to improve. At this time, the youngest (most premature) a baby has been born and survived is 21 weeks [6]. 

What is Freedom?

Proponents of abortion are known as pro-choice. They advocate for the freedom of women to choose whether or not to abort their baby in the womb. While words like “freedom” and phrases like “right to choose” seem implicitly right and stir up strong emotions, Christians ought to consider - what is freedom?

While we might initially think that freedom is the ability to do whatever we want, Scripture tells a different story. In the Garden of Eden, the snake plants some simple but potent ideas in the mind of Eve (Genesis 3:1-7). Why would God make a rule that limits my freedom? Wouldn’t I be happier if I did whatever I wanted rather than submitted to God? Does God really have my best interest in mind or is he keeping me from being happy?

In the book of Judges, we read that everyone did what was right in their own eyes rather than what God told them to do (Judges 21:25). The book is a sad story of the nation of Israel becoming more and more broken. 

Jesus tells us the meaning of real freedom (John 8:31-38). “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” But… “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Likewise, Romans 6:20-23 tells us that to serve sin is slavery that leads to death, whereas to serve God is freedom and brings life. 

It seems counter-intuitive, but true freedom is not the ability to do whatever your heart desires. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Our hearts lie to us all the time. If we’re honest, we know that what we want is not always what’s best for us. True freedom is to follow God, who loves us and always wants what’s best for us. 

An honest look at the Bible and science tells us that life begins at conception, that life is valuable to God, and that life should be cherished and protected. The choice to end the life of a child in the womb is not real freedom and will not bring real joy. 

If you or someone you care about is considering an abortion, there are many great Christian ministries that can provide care during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. May the Lord be with you and bring you true joy and freedom in Him. 

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